SaaSy Talk S01.37: The Power of Community: An In-depth Chat with Nisha Baxi

Cultivating Communities

Ever wondered what goes into developing a robust community? How do we determine its impact on a brand or the return on investment (ROI)? We recently had the pleasure of chatting with Nisha on SaaSy Talk Unfiltered, where she shared her wealth of experiences and delved into the significance of community development in the tech world.

The Heartbeat of Community Building

Nisha currently leads a pivotal role at Gong, where she is entrusted with the establishment and growth of the company's Gongster community and Visioneers community, all while managing a dynamic mix of big-name brands, startups, and tech giants. 

The essence of community building, according to Nisha, is providing a platform for customers, partners, and evangelists to connect with each other. This offers them an avenue to discuss, learn and share ideas on how they are using your product. 

Nisha noted, "When I sit in customer success, it's because Gong now has thousands of customers. The reason the customers want to connect with each other is because they're connecting on how each of them uses Gong."

As she explained, "What existed was an intrinsic community of raving fans who loved Gong. When I joined, I supercharged this dynamic and turned it into something potent and cohesive."

"To build a rhythm, to build a program, ask your community what they're looking for. How do we make this more interesting, compelling, exciting for you?" Nisha emphasizes. 

Understanding the SPACES Framework

When building a community, it's essential to monitor its effectiveness and impact. Nisha Baxi uses the SPACES framework to measure these variables. SPACES is an acronym that stands for Support, Product, Acquisition, Content, Engagement, and Success.

- Support:The goal here is to see how much the community aids in solving practical problems. If the community functions well, it can lead to a reduced load on the company's support team, helping save resources.

- Product: This aspect focuses on gathering product feedback. Good communities not only foster discussion about the product but also provide deeper insights into how the product can be improved.

- Acquisition: Communities can play a significant role in acquiring new customers. By creating an engaging community space, companies can draw in prospects and convert them into customers.

- Content: Strong communities foster user-generated content, which can serve as an important resource for both existing and prospective customers.

- Engagement: The success of a community can be gauged by the engagement levels of its members. Active participation and healthy interactions between members are indicators of a thriving community.

- Success: Lastly, successful communities should help increase the consumption and use of a company's offering. This factor can be measured by monitoring the increase in usage or sales among community members.

The Amazing Power of Connectivity

One particularly touching story that Nisha shared involved two women who became best friends through Gong's community. In the process, they also exemplified the SPACES framework by actively participating in Gong's platform, exchanging ideas, understanding the product better, and ultimately promoting brand acquisition through their participation.

Encountering Challenges in Building Community 

Of course, building and maintaining a digital community isn’t without its challenges. For Gong, ensuring that participants in the community remain excited and active posed some difficulties. The SPACES framework helps in this area by providing tangible targets to sustain and improve upon.

Building a Legacy 

When asked about the legacy she intends to leave, Nisha exemplifies the spirit of giving. Her passion for community involvement extends into her personal life, enriched with values of giving back. This philosophy is reflected not just in her professional endeavors but also in her personal life as a dedicated Red Cross volunteer since her teens. 

Above all, Nisha's inspiring journey reminds us that successful communities are built on real, meaningful connections among people. As she succinctly puts it, "if we can bring people together for Gong, that’s great… if they could learn about the SaaS product while also getting hands-only CPR training, that's important."


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