Lets grow



We invest in a small number of ambitious founders who want to build global companies.

When we invest we roll up our sleeves and get to work, building your business alongside you and your team.

We look for founders who are building something meaningful and want to work with us to scale their businesses within APAC followed by the US, EU and Middle East.

Together we’ll build the machine and scale it with you.

What we look for

  • Established SaaS businesses with traction

  • Products in market with customers that love them

  • Strong metrics that mean something and tell a story

  • Meaningful ARR

  • Mission critical

  • Founders looking for a partnership that’ll put rockets on your growth curve and capital to make it happen

How do we invest?

  • We look to take a meaningful stake in the company whilst incentivising the founders

  • We provide growth capital and work with you on your growth strategy

  • We join your team to support the execution and help you manage the growth

  • We sit on your board (or build and chair it)

  • We open you to our national and international partnership and network

  • We lead your next major funding round at a strong valuation uplift

What are the timelines?

  • We like to deliver our value over a 3 - 5 year period

  • We prepare you for the continuation of your journey beyond that

What do we bring?

  • A lead partner that knows your space, or the space you need to be

  • A strong vision and strategy to execute it

  • Access to the full partnership comprising of expects across leadership & strategy, sales & GTM, product & engineering, operations, legal & accounts, board & governance

  • A defined set of systems, processes and templates that we guide you through as we prepare for a series A within 3-5 years of investment

  • US sales focused partners to help you’re journey across the Pacific

  • Most of all, we bring experience, calm and crucial guidance as you grow your business far beyond your wildest dreams

  • We sit next to you on the rocket and will share a beer with you on the moon

Ready to go to the moon?

Fit the bill and think we suit you? Flick us a message and we’ll be in touch