SaaSy Talk Unfiltered: Growing Your Influence Through Content Marketing

The Art of Growing Your Influence Through Content Marketing


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In this article, we will explore the fascinating career journey of Devin Reed, from being a sales rep to becoming a content strategy director, from our SaaSy Talk podcast interview. We will delve into the struggles and breakthroughs he experienced in the tech industry, his experiences at companies like Gong and Clari, and the birth of his wildly successful newsletter, The Reeder. You can subscribe here, for free.

The Early Career Journey

Devin Reed's career journey began in Sacramento, California, a city not known for its tech industry. After graduating from college, he applied to numerous government office jobs but ended up landing an interview at ClearSlide in San Francisco. Despite feeling unprepared and wearing inappropriate attire, Devin impressed the hiring manager with his determination and was offered the job. Little did he know that this job would not only kickstart his career in tech but also lead to a life-changing love story.

Unexpected Love Story

During his interview at ClearSlide, Devin encountered a beautiful woman who would later become his wife. Although there was no initial romantic connection, fate brought them together three years later, and they eventually got married and started a family. This unexpected love story adds a unique twist to Devin's career journey and serves as a reminder that life often takes us on unexpected paths.

Transition from Sales to Marketing

Devin's transition from sales to marketing was a pivotal moment in his career. He had always had a desire to combine his passion for writing with his expertise in sales, and this opportunity allowed him to do just that. As Devin explains in our chat, "I have very little desire to run an existing playbook or to do things the way they've been done. There's something unignorable and compelling about finding the new way, finding a better way and being different in doing it." This mindset drove Devin to make the leap from sales to marketing, where he could reshape the game and make a lasting impact.

Experiences at Gong and Clari

Devin's experiences at Gong and Clari provided valuable insights into the world of content marketing. At Gong, he played a pivotal role in building the marketing team and launching successful content initiatives. As he states, "I hope my legacy is that I helped a lot of people as I go through reshaping the game." Devin's focus on reshaping the game and finding a better way has been instrumental in his success at Gong and beyond.

At Clari, Devin embraced the challenge of working in a more efficiency-focused environment. He recognized the need to adapt his content strategy to align with the company's precision-based approach. As he explains, "I was thinking to myself, it's not the path less trodden. It's a path that does not exist. It is just bushes and jungle and all that. And just like getting the machete out and be like, I don't even know for sure if this is the right way, but we are going to figure it out." Devin's ability to navigate uncharted territory and find innovative solutions has been a key factor in his success at Clari.

The Power of Personal Branding and Building an Audience

Devin's personal brand, exemplified by his popular newsletter, The Reeder, has played a significant role in his career. The newsletter initially started as a way for Devin to gain experience and credibility in the marketing field. However, it quickly gained traction, attracting a loyal audience of professionals seeking insights and advice. As Devin states, "I have a very little desire to run an existing playbook or to do things the way they've been done. There's something unignorable and compelling about finding the new way, finding a better way and being different in doing it." This mindset has been instrumental in Devin's ability to build a loyal audience and establish himself as a thought leader in the industry.

The Shift in Sales and the Rise of Content Marketing

Devin's career journey reflects the broader shift in the importance of content marketing in the sales process. As he explains, "Over the past few years, there has been a noticeable shift in the importance of content marketing in the sales process. Content has become a powerful tool for driving demand, accelerating pipeline growth, and closing deals." However, many companies still struggle to fully embrace content marketing as a strategic initiative tied to revenue. Devin emphasizes the need to view content creation as a means to create demand, accelerate pipeline growth, and ultimately drive revenue. By focusing on the outcome and aligning content strategies with strategic goals, companies can unlock the full potential of content marketing.

Conclusion and Future Outlook

Devin Reed's career journey from sales rep to content strategy director is a testament to the power of perseverance, adaptability, and a passion for continuous learning. His experiences at Gong and Clari have shaped his approach to content marketing, emphasizing the importance of finding a better way and reshaping the game. As the landscape of content marketing continues to evolve, Devin's expertise and thought leadership will undoubtedly play a crucial role in reshaping the industry. By focusing on the outcome, embracing change, and building a loyal audience, Devin Reed has established himself as a leading figure in the world of content strategy.

See all the episodes on Ricky and Sean’s channel

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any company mentioned.


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