SaaSy Talk Unfiltered: The Journey of a Unicorn Sales Leader

Insights from Chris Orlob, Co-Founder at P Club, former VP of Sales at Gong


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In a recent interview, we had the pleasure of speaking with Chris Orlob, Co-Founder at P Club, former VP of Sales at Gong, a leading conversation analytics and salesforce training platform. Chris shared his journey into sales, his experience at Gong, and his current venture, P Club, an online education company focused on transforming salespeople's skills. Throughout our conversation, Chris provided valuable insights into the world of sales, including the importance of hiring the right people, the challenges of scaling a business, and the future of sales in the age of AI.

The Early Days: A Foundation in Sales

Chris's journey into sales began at a young age, inspired by his father's career in the field. He recalled his early entrepreneurial ventures, such as selling golf balls he collected from his backyard and later selling coupon books door to door. However, it was a pivotal moment during his college years that set him on the path to a career in sales. Facing a career-ending injury as a drummer, Chris sought a new direction and was encouraged by a friend to pursue sales as a means to achieve economic success.

Joining Gong: From Startup to Success

Chris's entry into Gong, a lesser-known startup at the time, was driven by his desire to continue building a category he was passionate about. He had previously started a conversation analytics startup called Conversator, but after struggling to gain traction, he decided to join Gong when the opportunity arose. At the time of his joining, Gong was a small company with a modest revenue of $178,000 in ARR. However, Chris saw the potential in Gong's leadership team and the market receptivity to their product, which motivated him to join the company.

Cracking the Code: Sales Success at Gong

While Gong experienced rapid growth, it was not without its challenges. One of the key struggles was helping buyers justify the investment in Gong's product. Chris admitted that it took some time to understand the true value proposition and ROI of Gong's offering. However, through continuous experimentation and refinement, the team at Gong eventually landed on four key value buckets that resonated with buyers: onboarding new sellers, coaching existing sellers, deal management, and rolling out new initiatives. This clarity allowed Gong to create a more repeatable sales process and drive success in selling to mid-market and enterprise buyers.

Hiring for Success: The Importance of Hiring Profiles

Hiring the right people is crucial for any organization's success, and Chris emphasized the importance of defining clear hiring profiles. He credited Ryan Longfield, Gong's CRO, for implementing a hiring process that aligned the team on specific attributes and skills required for success. Chris highlighted the need for individuals with business acumen and raw intellectual horsepower, as these traits are essential for navigating the challenges of a startup environment. He also acknowledged the importance of hiring for ambiguity, as startups often operate in uncertain and rapidly changing conditions.

Lessons Learned: The Value of Marketing and Building an Audience

Reflecting on his experience at Gong, Chris emphasized the value of investing in marketing, particularly in building an audience of superfans. He stressed the need to go beyond traditional product-focused marketing and focus on creating content that resonates with the target audience. By building an audience of engaged followers, companies can generate organic interest and word-of-mouth referrals, ultimately driving growth. Chris also highlighted the importance of being willing to polarize and potentially upset some people in order to stand out and make an impact.

The Future of Sales: AI and Skill Transformation

Looking ahead, Chris acknowledged the potential impact of AI on the sales industry. He shared insights into P Club's plans to develop AI-driven skill assessments, leveraging technology to measure and benchmark salespeople's skills. By incorporating AI into the learning platform, P Club aims to provide interactive skill assessments and role-playing scenarios, enabling sales professionals to improve their skills and bridge any gaps. Chris also emphasized the need for ongoing self-education and skill development, as sales is a multifaceted discipline with numerous skills to master.

Conclusion: The Journey Continues

In conclusion, Chris Orlob's journey from sales enthusiast to sales leader offers valuable insights into the world of sales and entrepreneurship. His experiences at Gong and his current venture, P Club, highlight the importance of hiring the right people, investing in marketing, and continuously developing skills. As the sales landscape evolves, embracing AI and leveraging technology to transform skills will be crucial for sales professionals and organizations seeking to thrive in a competitive market. With his passion for sales and dedication to skill transformation, Chris Orlob continues to make a significant impact in the sales industry.

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Ricky Sevta

Ricky is a seasoned leader with over two decades of experience in the B2B SaaS and construction technology industry. He has held senior leadership positions at Simpro, Schneider Electric, and other leading companies, consistently delivering exceptional results and guiding businesses to new heights of success.


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