SaaSy Talk Unfiltered: The Urgent Bird Gets the Worm

Insights from Sam McKenna


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In the world of sales, success is often measured by the ability to close deals and exceed quotas. But what sets top performers apart from the rest? In a recent SaaSy Talk Unfiltered conversation with Sam McKenna, a highly successful SaaS sales professional, we delve into the motivations and drive behind his remarkable success. Sam attributes his competitive nature and determination to his early experiences in sales, where he learned the value of perseverance and the desire to be the best. This drive has led him to start his own business, #samsales, and adopt a unique approach to sales that challenges traditional methods.

The Motivation and Drive in SaaS Sales

Sam's motivation and drive in SaaS sales stem from his competitive nature and the desire to constantly excel. He recalls a childhood experience of raising money for the Leukemia Lymphoma Society and winning second place in a fundraising competition. This feeling of defeat fueled his determination to always strive for first place. Sam's competitive spirit and desire to push himself to new heights have been the driving force behind his success in sales. He constantly sets higher goals for himself and seeks to surpass them, motivated by the satisfaction of being the best and the financial rewards that come with it.

Starting #samsales: The Journey and Vision

Sam's decision to start his own business, #samsales, was driven by a desire for a better work-life balance and the opportunity to make a broader positive impact. He wanted to escape the constant travel and time away from his family that came with his previous roles. Sam also wanted to challenge himself and see how far he could go in building his own business. While his initial vision was to impact two or three companies simultaneously and work half the time for half the money, the journey took a different direction. However, the core motivation remained the same – to make a positive impact and be an asset to his clients.

Challenges and Rewards in Running a Business

Starting a business is not without its challenges, and Sam has faced his fair share. One of the biggest challenges he encountered was figuring out how to grow the business without taking on funding or investment. As a bootstrapped company, Sam had to make tough decisions about where to allocate resources and take calculated risks. He had to trust his instincts and be willing to invest his own money in order to grow the business. Despite these challenges, the rewards have been significant. Sam takes pride in the team he has built, which includes military and expat spouses who bring unique talents and perspectives to the table. He also values the freedom and flexibility that comes with running his own business and the ability to make a positive impact on multiple organizations.

Sam's Unique Approach to Sales

Sam's approach to sales is vastly different from traditional methods. He emphasizes quality over quantity and focuses on building genuine relationships with clients. He believes in using human instinct, active listening, and politeness to connect with prospects and stand out from the competition. Sam has never made a cold call in his life and instead prefers to invest time in researching prospects and crafting personalized emails. He also believes in the power of handwritten thank-you notes and networking events as opportunities to build relationships rather than push for immediate sales. Sam's approach has proven successful, and he encourages others to think outside the box and find their own unique way of selling.

The Impact of an All-Woman Business

#samsales is an all-woman business, although this was not a deliberate design choice. Sam attributes the majority of military and expat spouses being women to the nature of the talent pool available. However, the all-woman team at #samsales has been well-received by clients, who appreciate the fresh perspective and diversity it brings. Sam believes that seeing women achieve success in sales and challenging traditional methods is inspiring for others. While there may be some resistance from more tenured sales leaders, the overall response has been positive. Sam values the unique perspectives and talents that each team member brings to the table and believes that diversity is key to success in sales.

Building Genuine Relationships in Sales

Building genuine relationships is at the core of Sam's approach to sales. He believes in taking the time to get to know prospects as individuals and showing a genuine interest in their lives. Sam emphasizes the importance of active listening, politeness, and asking thoughtful questions. He encourages salespeople to focus on quality interactions rather than pushing for immediate sales. Sam believes that by building trust and rapport, salespeople can create long-term relationships that lead to success. He also emphasizes the importance of following up and staying in touch with prospects, even if they are not ready to buy immediately. By treating prospects as humans rather than just potential buyers, salespeople can differentiate themselves and build lasting connections.

The Importance of LinkedIn for Salespeople

LinkedIn plays a crucial role in Sam's sales strategy, and he encourages others in the sales and tech space to invest their time in the platform. He believes that everyone has something to teach others, regardless of their age or experience level. Sam advises salespeople to stay in their lane and share their successes, challenges, and insights with their network. By providing valuable content and engaging with others on LinkedIn, salespeople can build their personal brand and establish themselves as thought leaders. Sam also highlights the benefits of LinkedIn for lead generation and networking. By leveraging the platform's features and engaging with prospects, salespeople can expand their reach and attract inbound leads.

The Power of Urgency in Sales

One of the key themes that emerged from the conversation with Sam McKenna is the importance of urgency in sales. Sam believes that being responsive and proactive is crucial for success in sales. He emphasizes the need to quickly respond to leads and follow up on promises. Sam shares a personal anecdote of pulling over on the highway to update a proposal for a client within minutes of receiving the request. He believes that being urgent and respectful of a prospect's time sets salespeople apart from the competition and builds trust. Sam acknowledges that some may worry about training customers to expect immediate responses, but he believes that the benefits far outweigh any potential drawbacks.

The Implications and Potential Impact of Urgency in Sales

The implications of urgency in sales are significant. By being responsive and proactive, salespeople can demonstrate their reliability and commitment to their clients. This builds trust and strengthens the relationship, increasing the likelihood of closing deals. Additionally, urgency can help salespeople stay top of mind with prospects and prevent opportunities from slipping through the cracks. In a competitive sales landscape, being the first to respond and provide value can make all the difference. The potential impact of urgency in sales is increased success, higher conversion rates, and a stronger reputation in the industry.

Conclusion and Future Outlook

In conclusion, Sam McKenna's unique approach to sales challenges traditional methods and emphasizes the importance of building genuine relationships. His focus on quality over quantity and his belief in the power of human connection have proven successful in his own career and in the growth of #samsales. While his approach may be different from the norm, Sam's results speak for themselves. As the sales landscape continues to evolve, it is crucial for sales professionals to adapt and find their own unique way of selling. By embracing new strategies, leveraging platforms like LinkedIn, and prioritizing relationship-building, salespeople can set themselves apart and achieve long-term success. The future of sales lies in the hands of those who are willing to challenge the status quo and forge their own path.

See all the episodes on Ricky and Sean’s channel

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any company mentioned.


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