SaaSy Talk Unfiltered: Creating Demand

The Art of Outbound Sales with Tito Bohrt


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In this thought leadership article, we will explore the world of outbound sales and the art of creating demand. We will delve into the insights shared by Tito Bohrt, CEO of AltaSales, during a recent podcast interview. Tito's passion for outbound sales and his expertise in the field will provide valuable insights into the strategies and techniques that can drive success in this area.


Outbound sales is a critical component of any sales strategy, but it often receives less attention than its counterpart, inbound sales. While inbound sales focuses on capturing existing demand, outbound sales is about creating demand and driving the sales process proactively. Tito Bohrt, CEO of AltaSales, has built a successful career in outbound sales and has a deep understanding of the strategies and tactics that can lead to success in this field.

The Burning Passion for Outbound Sales

Tito's passion for outbound sales began when he stumbled upon an opportunity during his college years. He had the idea to set up an outbound team in Costa Rica or Mexico, with SDRs based in the US, to execute cold outbound calls. This idea was met with enthusiasm, and Tito dropped out of college to pursue his career in outbound sales. He witnessed the power of reverse engineering the sales process and became fascinated with understanding what influences the market and drives successful sales outcomes.

The Role of Sales Professionals

Tito emphasizes the importance of hiring sales professionals rather than salespeople. He believes that a sales professional has a deep understanding of the sales process and possesses the skills and knowledge to succeed in the field. This goes beyond simply having experience in sales; it involves a commitment to continuous learning and a dedication to mastering the art of selling. Tito compares this to his experience as a tour guide, where he had to convince prospective students and their parents that Duke University was the best choice for them. This early experience in sales set the foundation for his future career.

The Power of Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is a crucial skill for sales professionals, as it allows them to connect with their prospects on a deeper level. Tito highlights the importance of understanding the different outcomes and thought processes of both the parent and the student when selling a university experience. By tailoring his approach to each individual, he was able to create a connection and convince them that Duke University was the best choice for them. This ability to understand and empathize with the needs and desires of the buyer is a key component of successful outbound sales.

The Importance of Playbooks

While many companies talk about playbooks, Tito believes that they are more like guidelines than strict rules. A playbook should outline the key components of the sales process, including target accounts, personas, objection handling, email templates, and value propositions. However, it should also include training programs, testing, and ongoing enablement to ensure that the sales team is equipped with the skills and knowledge to succeed. Tito emphasizes the importance of understanding who creates demand and when, as this is a critical factor in the success of outbound sales.

The Future of Outbound Sales

There is a growing debate about the future of outbound sales, with some arguing that it will be replaced by AI and automation. However, Tito believes that AI is just another tool in the sales arsenal and that it will not replace the need for human sales professionals. While AI can provide valuable information and insights, it is the sales professional who can create the emotional connection and drive the buyer to make a purchasing decision. Tito sees AI as a means to enhance the sales process, not replace it.


Outbound sales is a critical component of any sales strategy, and Tito Bohrt's insights shed light on the art of creating demand. By understanding the buyer's journey, tailoring the sales process to individual needs, and leveraging emotional intelligence, sales professionals can drive success in outbound sales. While AI and automation may play a role in enhancing the sales process, the human touch and the ability to create a connection will always be essential. As the field of outbound sales continues to evolve, sales professionals must adapt and embrace new technologies while staying true to the core principles of creating demand and driving successful outcomes.

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Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any company mentioned.

Ricky Sevta

Ricky is a seasoned leader with over two decades of experience in the B2B SaaS and construction technology industry. He has held senior leadership positions at Simpro, Schneider Electric, and other leading companies, consistently delivering exceptional results and guiding businesses to new heights of success.


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